Been there Done that

2020| 2K |17:16min |color/sound
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"I" believe that he is still there, and “I" hope to see him again. Somewhere on the ruins, heis surely waiting for a soul that still tries to find him. Through a trip to the place where he used tolive, “I” search for those restless ones wandering between the past and the present.
Been There Done That visualizes my fictional trip to the Western Guangdong, where I grew up. Based on scenes taken from our family life, from a perspective of my internal monologue, this film reconstructs a story between me and the father of my grandfather, who has passed away. Going from one place to another, I keep looking for traces left by him. Faced with death and the subsequent dispersion, through this film, I strive to prove that connections between family members will not simply vanish when one of them passes away.
《此时彼地》虚构了一次“我”回到粤西家乡的故地重游。基于真实的家庭场景,短片通过我的内心独白视角,重新构建了一个我和去世亲人—公祖的家庭故事。在旧址游荡之间,面对死亡的离散, “我”不断找寻公祖的踪迹。